This looks like the back of an eagle or a hawk, but walk around to the other side of it and this is what you'll see....
What appears to be some animal devouring a smaller creature or a snake (don't look, Julie) is actually some kind of fungus that has grown on a trunk that was flooded in June. Creepy looking, isn't it?
I think it is an eagle devouring a large bull frog.
Maybe this could be your photographic niche - wierd fungus shapes art! ;)
(Hey- if Aunt Dee can have rust, surely you can take fungus!)
Thanks, Suze. Actually, there is another photo of fungus I'll be posting soon...but it's actually watching.
Okay...Penni has fungus, Dee has rust...I call--MOLD!
BTW Mold is to Dale as Kryptonite is to______. Does that remind you of scholastic achievement tests? :)
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