Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thought you would like to see Kevin in his work environment. He has a new student teacher, Lisa who just started this week. The really exciting part is that she is a believer who used to go to the same church as Jesse and Julie. I met her today when I went to eat lunch with Kevin at school. The kids love her...and Kevin is already impressed with her enthusiasm, her ideas, and her character.

Kevin and Lisa in his art classroom.

Lisa is ready to read a book to this class. Kids respond after Kevin asks them a question about the book. (Kevin is an incredible teacher. His
students love him...and he is very creative in his ability to teach them to think for themselves. He teaches them lessons that will be useful throughout their school years and into many areas of their personal and work lives. I regret my kids did not have him for a teacher.)

Holding up 2 fingers after blowing the whistle at recess, indicating it's time for 2nd grade to go back inside.

Lisa and Kevin enjoying a quiet lunch. She is an eager student and asks Kevin good questions about the students and about the classroom.

Lisa and Kevin enjoying a cookie break after the students left. It's lunch time.

Here are some more pictures of Kevin's and my art.
This is one of Kevin's favorite sculpture pieces. The base looks just like the rocks he knows so well...the texture, the color, the very ruggedness.

A beautiful glaze on this porcelain vase he threw.

an acrylic painting of a photo he saw

And below are some of my black and white photos shot this winter. I am drawn to the bold contrast of the white snow against the dark, wet wood. To look at these photos of the trees has such a quieting effect on me.

Kevin was cross country skiing while I was excitedly taking pictures.

Crystal formations. This one looks like a crystalized snowflake.

Such details in the ice...
With very few decent days to go for a ride, Kevin decided to venture into the cold, lured by the sunshine. Always, the tires must have more air prior to the ride.

Always wearing a big smile in anticipation of the ride. Oh, and excuse the roll of vinyl at his feet...that's for our new bathroom floor in the basement.

Getting his shoes clicked in...and off he goes.

For those family members who've not yet seen our place, here are a few shots. This is the shelf unit that Kevin rebuilt. It now holds some ceramic pieces. Kevin's are the 2 outside pieces on the top shelf and the pot on far left of the bottom shelf.

The next 3 photos are of our living room. We love the huge windows that let in massive sunlight. Of course, my jungle loves it. We do have naturally purified air to breathe inside our home ;o)

Here's the latest on the basement progress. Kevin just keeps at it...with patience, endurance, tenacity, and problem solving.

Here's the view of the hallway. Bathroom behind the left door, rec room to the right. Kevin's art studio is down the hall and to the right and storage is at the end of the hall and through the door on the left.

Bathroom drywalling is finished.

Looking up the stairs that lead to our dining/kitchen area. Bar, and then hot water heater and laundry on through just to the right of the stairs.

Close up of the bar. The bar was part of a hutch that Kevin had. He fit the sink into a hole he cut out. Looks great and it saved $.

Measuring for holes to be cut.

Kevin rented a drywall jack to help with the installation of the ceiling. Proved to be well worth it.

I was working too, while Kevin was putting up drywall. I made carmel corn. Can you smell it?

Back to the basement...hoisting up a sheet of drywall for the ceiling in his studio.

This screw gun has been a great investment. Kevin offered to let me try it, but it proved to be way too heavy to hold up, let alone trying to actually drive those screws in place. So instead, I just picked up the screws he dropped. Hey!! I was helpful!

Hundreds of screws.....

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I love being married to an's fascinating to watch him work (though I've not gotten to witness a lot of it)...I, too share artistic interests, so we share a lot of interests. He loves to paint antique tin toys and rust and marbles. He has a masters in Studio Art and has done some incredible pots and sculptures. Sadly, some of his work has been lost in various moves. But with the building he's doing in our basement he will have his first ever art studio. He is so excited to be having a place where he can create. Here is a sampling of his works.

An acrylic painting of an antique glass toy firetruck that once held tiny candy balls.

acrylic painting of marbles

A humorous acrylic painting. If you're a dog lover, you can appreciate this one.

An antique paper looks exactly like the real object.

Kevin painted this water color at the age of 16!

His love of painting marbles is evident.

This painting is done in water color and ink. This one was painted when Kevin was 18. It was intended to show movement; to indicate sound.

One of Kevin's best sculptures...this was a piece shown in his Master's exhibit in NY.

Kevin designed this stained glass window for his parents' new house in KY. It was then created by a local craftsman. Isn't it absolutely beautiful!!!
Last summer, we invited those who helped us move into our house, over for a catered Lebanese dinner and Bocce Ball. We missed those who were unable to come (Beth, Jesse, Julie, Luther), but we had a blast!

Suzy, Kevin's sister is sure she can do better than that last throw.

Kevin, Lori, Dale, Dan, Belinda, Suzy, Gene

Lining up for the throw. Never mind that we crossed the property line and were in our neighbor's yard.
This is my 2nd attempt at posting to my blog today. But here are some pictures of family and friends...

Kevin's parents, Marlene and Ray

4 generations! Evelyn, Penni, Britt, Kaylin

My family..back row:Ethan, Dan, Penni, Kevin, Trey (Jonathan), Jesse
front row: Kaylin, Britt, Kari, Julie

My 3 beautiful daughters (Julie-d-i-l, Britt, Kari d-i-l)

Maynard (my stepdad), Mom (Evelyn), Penni, Kevin

My immediate family...Maynard,Marti,Evelyn,Deb,Penni,Kevin,Dee,Phil,Lori

Below are some of my dearest friends.
They are true and rare as friendships go. I am so blessed.

Nancy...we've been best friends "since Jennifer was 6". We've been through everything together.

Sherry...also my daughter's mom-in-law...Sherry is a huge blessing to both my daughter and me.

Beth (aka Bethann, also Joshua Ann)...we have gone through the wilderness together...but we refuse to give in to the giants. The battles continue...

Beth and Belinda. They graciously offered to provide (and prepare) Kevin's and my rehearsal dinner. It was fabulous! Belinda is a long, steady, "always there for you" friend.