Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Going to the antique car show in Wal Mart parking lot in KY....

Hey, my dear siblings....remember driving around in the station wagon version of this old Chevy? No shocks made it all the more adventurous... 8 cylinders under that hood, man!
I can still hear it squeaking...

And doesn't this dashboard look familiar?

A sweet ride

Kevin's favorite pasttime at his folks' place...looking for arrowheads in the garden

Visiting a Civil War battleground at Millersburg Crossing in KY

And of course, I took advantage of some great photo ops....

A moon flower in their flower bed

dragon fly in the garden

Chicory along the road

overlooking Lake Cumberland

In a private family cemetery by their house

again, in their flower bed

across the road from Kevin's parents' house...field of chicory

inside the neighbors' dilapidated barn in the evening

1 comment:

Wendi Reger said...

Do you do those pictures with just your sybershot? Fantastic!