Kevin and I just returned from our first visit to Lyon. Here are some pictures from our trip. If you want to know the sites by name, go to Kari's blog for education because I cannot remember the names of all the places, as fascinating as they all are. Just enjoy the photos.
This is actually a street shared by pedestrians and cars. Note the cafe (with dark green walls) that butts against the street. No sidewalk between the buildings and the street, so look carefully before exiting the cafe.
Roman aquaduct ruins
More ancient ruins (not referring to Kevin and me)
Hand massages....great stress relivers
Trey is currently attending osteopathy school and is using learned manipultive therapy on me (felt great! I didn't feel my muscles were so tense in my back where I have pain due to lumbar scoliosis Thanks, Trey.)
Trey, using Kari as a model, is showing Kevin how to work on Trey's back where he is having some discomfort.
Ok, now let me know if I've twisted too far, Trey.
This was supposed to be my vacation, too. But Kari wanted the apt left the way we found it. Guess I missed a spot. (But of course, those of you who really know Kari, realize that she truly has a servant's heart.)
A close-up of the wild blackberries we picked along the paths and roads. The French normally do not pick berries that grow wild, much to our advantage. A nutritious and tasty treat we enjoyed many times on our long walks around the city and in the country.
Trey picking blackberries along the river (Rhone or Soane?)
Kevin holding up a small portion of what we carried home...I believe it was about 4 qts. Sadly, Kari was unable to take any full vacation days while we were there, so we took the spoils home to her.
Overlooking Lyon
Enjoying the view
At the market, this was an olive vendor.
At the market near Trey's and Kari's apartment. This one was open every Tue and Thur.
Trey, taking care of business.
One evening Trey found some wild grapes growing along the road. The vines were loaded with grapes the size of large peas. They were so juicy and sweet.
More blackberries
Relaxing with some leisurely reading
Trey is so smart, he can read two books at the same time.
A walk in the evening in Ste Foy (did I spell that correctly T and K?)
Who says a loveseat doesn't hold 4 people?
Trey painted a checkers/chess board on their table. No checkers, but Kevin and I improvised with wine corks. (I won, by the way)
(Trey doesn't pose, so one has to seize any photo op that presents itself.)
Trey working on Kevin again. The office visits were free of charge, but the transportation to get there was rather pricey. Was it worth it? Mais oui!
Kevin enjoyed leaning out the window of their apartment and just took it all in. He read 4.5 books while visiting...something he rarely has an opportunity to do.
good pics, mom. how did you sort through all 1600 you took? ;)
voici some photo clarification:
pic 2- st john's cathedral through old arch on site of baptismal dating from first century (baptismal that is, and not st john's)
pic 3- the famous 'rue de beouf' (~beef road) in old lyon. it's mostly a pedestrian road now, but residents of the area and delivery vehicles for the hotels and restaurants/cafes can drive on it.
pic 12 and 13 - we walked/picked (and ate!) blackberries along the saone river (the west river of lyon, the rhone being on the east, and continuing south to the med sea)
merci, et au revoir
Hey, Trey, I'm really enjoying your verbosity (sp)! :o)
Penni, the picture with the caption "enjoying the view," who was enjoying the view, the photographer or the the subject?
Love you,
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