Sunday, January 07, 2007

Better late than...later

Here a some of our Christmas pics from my side...and our Christmas with Jesse and Julie. (Hopefully, someday we will be able to have a Christmas with all our family together.)

All right!!! Shells!!!

Jesse and Julie opening stocking stuffers

Opening our ice cream maker from Jesse and Julie

We went to Dale's for my side of the family's Christmas gathering.
Jesse and cousin, Austin. They must be waiting for the food because they're in the dining room.

Julie showing some pics she took with her new digital camera from Jesse.

Maynard looking at the poem that was enclosed with the group gift to them from us kids.

Surfing? Maybe....channels.

Penni, Kevin, and Maynard

Family photo: Steve, Zeke, Marti

Our hosts, Lori and Dale

Maynard and Mom (Gma)

Iowa football game.

Lori is the one female in our family who actually enjoys Iowa football.

still football....

1 comment:

Dee said...

Thanks for posting so many family pictures. Almost as good as being there.