Sunday, April 30, 2006

Below is the bowl of apples on our buffet. The bowl was made by a friend of Kevin's in NY who is a full time potter. (I hope to visit his studio someday.) Trey, do you notice anything about any of these apples?

Look closer ;o)

Here are the rest of the pictures from Kevin's and Penni's mushrooming adventure:

white violets and dandelions.

The timber floor covered with various little white flowers and violets

The flower lined trail

Hey, Jesse...this one's for you....I found part of a pig!!!

The mosquitos were horrible. Kevin put up his hood to try to keep them off his face and ears and neck. We both kept our hands in our pockets as much as possible.

I can't remember for sure what these are called...may apples?
I didn't see any jack-in-the-pulpits or dutchman's britches. In fact, I've not seen the latter for a few years now.

These look blue, but they're actually purple violets. Whenever I see violets, I think of that quote: "Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it."

Ah...what we came here for. This is the sum total of our harvest for the day. We had it in scrambled eggs Saturday morning. These morels sell for as much as $25/lb locally. Outrageous!

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